
Case Management


Ensure that you have the Macha EST application installed and configured. Additionally, make sure you’ve created an account, generated, and saved your Macha EST keys. For more details, please refer to:

  1. Getting Started
  2. Account management
  3. Keys management


Creating a Case

  • To create a case, click the Add Case button on the top right of cases table.

Home Page

  • Fill out the form and click the Create Case button to create a new case.

Create Case

Successful creation of a case will redirect you to the home page, where you can see your newly created case in the cases table.

Case Screen Case Screen

Editing a Case

  • To edit a case, click the Edit button of the case you want to edit.

Edit Case

Deleting a Case

  • To delete a case, click the Delete button on the case you want to delete.

Only case owners have the permission to delete the case.

Delete Case

High priority actions like deleting a case will require you to confirm your action before proceeding.

Delete Case Enter Case Number to confirm deletion

Deleting a case will also delete all the evidences associated with it.

Sharing and managing case access

Sharing a Case

  • To share a case, select the Share button on the desired case to open the Share Case dialog. Enter the email address of the intended recipient, select their permission level and click the Share button to complete the process.

Share Case

  • If the request can not be processed, you will need to share instructions on how to install and configure the application:


  • Once a case is successfully shared, the avatar of the user will appear in the ShareTab of the case, along side your own.

Shared Case Share Tab highlighted in red and newly added user highlighted in green

Case Access Levels


  • Can share the case and determine the access level (Owner, Editor, Viewer)
  • Can revoke case access for Viewers and Editors
  • Can delete the case
  • Can upload and download evidence
  • Can edit case details

  • Can not revoke case access for other owners of the same case
  • Can not abandon the case by revoking own access


  • Can upload and download evidence
  • Can edit case details
  • Can leave the case by revoking their own access

  • Can not share the case
  • Can not delete the case


  • Can download evidence

  • Can not share the case
  • Can not delete the case
  • Can not upload evidence
  • Can not edit case details
  • Can not abandon the case by revoking their own access

Managing Case Access

Reviewing Case Access

  • To review users with access to a case, click on the user avatars in the ShareTab of the case, i.e. the area highlighted in green in the image above. The will open the Review Shared Access dialog, where you can review all users with access to the case.

Review Case Access

Revoking Case Access

  • To revoke a user’s access to a case, click on the Revoke Access button next to the user’s avatar in the Share Access dialog. This will remove the user from the case.

Revoke Case Access

Recent activities panel

  • The Recent Activities Panel displays logs of user actions.

Recent Activities

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